General knowledge of Laborie Quarter the state/province of Saint Lucia

Mostly asked questions about the province Laborie Quarter

What is the country of Laborie Quarter ?

What is the country code ISO2 of Laborie Quarter ?

How many cities are in the state Laborie Quarter ?

What are geo coordinates of each city in Laborie Quarter ?

What are the name of cities of Laborie Quarter ?

Best infopoint's world database gives the answers of all questions which are asked above related to Laborie Quarter

First question is about the country which is Saint Lucia and LC is its ISO2 also known as country code. Third question is about the cities of Laborie Quarter there is only 30 cities in this state. Following is the list of each city in Laborie Quarter by their geo coordinates/latitude and longitude.

State/Province Name Laborie Quarter
Country Name flag of LC Saint Lucia
Country Code LC
Total States of Saint Lucia 12
Total Cities of State 30

All Cities of Laborie Quarter

City No. City Name Latitude Longitude
1 Annus 13.77449000 -61.00511000
2 Balca 13.77117000 -61.02389000
3 Balca/En Leur Ba 13.77638000 -61.01931000
4 Balembouche 13.75992000 -61.02840000
5 Banse 13.79211000 -60.99282000
6 Banse La Grace 13.78150000 -60.99840000
7 Bongalo 13.76666000 -61.02991000
8 Daban 13.80490000 -61.00435000
9 Fond Berange 13.78238000 -61.00346000
10 Gayabois 13.78643000 -61.01835000
11 Gentil 13.76816000 -60.98877000
12 Getrine 13.78192000 -61.00741000
13 Giraud 13.79254000 -61.00843000
14 H'Erelle 13.75599000 -60.98698000
15 Kennedy Highway/Laborie Bypass 13.75380000 -60.99594000
16 La Haut 13.79207000 -61.00014000
17 La Perle 13.76483000 -61.02088000
18 Laborie 13.75000000 -60.98333000
19 Londonderry 13.77623000 -61.01362000
20 Macdomel 13.77497000 -60.98508000
21 Morne Gomier 13.76552000 -60.99524000
22 Morne Le Blanc 13.75868000 -60.99913000
23 Olibo 13.77628000 -60.99931000
24 Parc Estate 13.79639000 -61.01613000
25 Piaye 13.75628000 -61.02279000
26 Saltibus 13.81211000 -61.00982000
27 Saphire 13.75670000 -61.01209000
28 Tete Morne 13.76160000 -61.03397000
29 Village 13.74927000 -60.99375000
30 Warwick/Daban 13.81084000 -61.00047000